Best Selling Book

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Kelvin Jasi is a young dynamic man keenly interested in writing edutaining novels, poetry, and articles.

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Welcome to the World of pure art and creativity.

I love writing novels that can help change the world for better by doing good. If you want a poet or speaker for your event, contact me.

Kelvin Jasi
The story of

Kelvin Jasi

Kelvin Jasi is a young dynamic man keenly interested in writing some kind of fiction and poetry he’d like to read for a very long. Thank you for supporting an indie author. Anything you can do whether it be writing a review or telling a fellow reader how you enjoyed this will keep the ball rolling.

If you want a speaker or a poet at your event, contact me.


Books Published


Best Selling Books

Best selling books

Blending of Souls

That Familiar Noise

Mesmerizing poems

Baba Harare

Letter to Ex

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Chloe was raised on a silver platter. She is now married to Donald, a middle-class man who works hard to provide for his family. She is constantly complaining that Donald is not doing enough for her. A wealthy lady duped her into selling her husband.

I find television very educational. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into my room and read a book.

Kelvin Jasi
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18 Mar2023

Sandton City, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2091, South Africa.

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